The image of a bull in the pictures of the Ketpen ridge (based on materials from the gorges Nauakesken, Uzynkungey)


  • Asel Amargazieva State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Issyk»



archaeology, Ketpen, petroglyph, art, bull, myth, worldview, ideology, Bronze Age


Petroglyphs are one of the earliest sources of information about the life, culture and worldview of ancient people. Currently, various methods for studying petroglyphs have been developed and historical knowledge in this area has been accumulated to a sufficient extent. However, one of the urgent problems of modern science still remains a comprehensive study of rock paintings that require the solution of issues related to the definition of chronology, semantic interpretation, etc. The author in this article presents the results of a comparative historical, cultural and semiotic study of the image of a bull on rock paintings located in Almaty areas on the northern slopes of the Ketpen ridge in the Nauakesken and Uzunkungey gorges. Since these rock paintings are still little-studied objects. The research of scientists focused on the ideas of ancient peoples was taken as a basis in order to determine the main reasons for drawing the image of animals on the surface of a stone, understanding the worldview of the plot of petroglyphs, the chronology and description of petroglyphs. In addition, rock carvings from Zhetysu and South Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan were compared. In addition, in the future, along with rock paintings, the author noted the relevance of studying local archaeological sites.


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How to Cite

Amargazieva А. (2022). The image of a bull in the pictures of the Ketpen ridge (based on materials from the gorges Nauakesken, Uzynkungey). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (16), 9–23.



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