
  • Orynbay Oshanov LLP «Institute for research of the Great steppe», Almaty, Kazakhstan



archaeology, trizna, commemoration, farewell, hearth, statues, altar, sacrificial horse, horse racing, ethnography


The article comprehensively examines and substantiates the idea that the Kazakh tradition of triznas (as beru) and the installation of stone statues in the early period were one ritual action. This is indicated by the fact that the places where the stone statues
were installed coincide with the places where the funeral triznas of the last centuries were held. People’s memory of these places is still associated with commemoration, and calls the honor of the deceased – “the hearth of such” (e.g.: “the hearth of Ormanbet”, “the hearth of Bektas”, etc.). The hearth is the place where during the commemoration “field” kitchens were arranged, the cattle allocated for slaughter were slaughtered there, and kazans were set up, and meat was continuously cooked for the guests. The article also contains the results of expeditionary studies of the relevant places; summarized the traditions and ancient rituals that accompanied the funeral feast; elements of stone statues with the image of dishes and utensils were considered, testifying to their connection with the ancient tradition of triznas, and their semantic meaning is revealed.


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How to Cite

Oshanov О. (2021). TRIZNA AND STONE SCULPTURES (tradition divided). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (11), 101–119.



Interdisciplinary research