Archaeological chronicle of the left-bank cities of the Syr Darya: Sutkent and Arkuk


  • Dokey A. Taleev Margulan Institute of Archaeology



archaeology, cities, Sutkent, Arkuk, sources, research, excavations


The most important place in historical science takes the relationship between nomadic and settled peoples, the links between cities and steppes. The cities in the middle reaches of the Syr Darya, located at the junction of the Desht-i-Kipchak steppes and settled agricultural areas, were of great importance in the life of nomads. Comparing the written data and the data of archaeological research, the results of the examination show that many cities of the Kazakh land have a 2000-year and even more ancient history. Excavations carried out on the ruins of large cities in the south show that cities such as Otrar, Sauran, Shymkent, Taraz have been formed for two thousand years or more. There are still many ancient cities on our land, the history of which has not yet been determined. These include cities that existed on the left bank of the middle course of the Syr Darya River. This article is devoted to the analysis of written sources and archaeological data on the cities of Sutkent and Arkuk dating from the 1st century AD. Archaeological research conducted on the left bank of the Syr Darya has shown that the cities of Sutkent and Arkuk have changed places three times in their history. They alternate chronologically. The ruins of the three periods are located close to each other.


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How to Cite

Taleev Д. А. (2022). Archaeological chronicle of the left-bank cities of the Syr Darya: Sutkent and Arkuk. Kazakhstan Archeology, 15(1 (15), 57–69.



Archaeology issues