Ancient petroglyphs of Tesik gorge


  • Alexander A. Goryachev Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Stanislav A. Potapov Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Tatyana Egorova Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Ksenia Egorova Margulan Institute of Archaeology



archaeology, Jetysu, Tesik gorge, petroglyphs, art, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, composition, scene


The article presents for the first time the results of the research of the petroglyphic complex in the western part of Tesik gorge of Aytau Mountains on the territory (Shu district, Jambyl region). The petroglyphic images were found on four hillocks near the burial ground of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Tesik-I. More than 300 ancient petroglyphs of this period have been identified. The difference in the technical methods of drawing on the rocks within the individual historical stages is noted. The main part of the petroglyphs of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age demonstrates a certain range of subjects – images of people, animals and signs, scenes of grazing, ritual confrontations, hunting, etc. A series of multilayered and multi-temporal compositions that demonstrate a certain cultural continuity between the populations of the microdistrict at different historical stages is highlighted. According to the technique of drawing on the rocks and their stylistic features, repertoire of ancient petroglyphs and, consequently, their semantics and likely functional purpose, this cluster refers to the monuments of Tamgaly circle of Southwestern Jetysu. The canons of images of the leading subjects of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the petroglyphs indicate the development of local artistic traditions as well as about cultural interaction as a result of transport communications of the ancient population of the region with the adjacent territories of Central Asia.


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How to Cite

Goryachev А. А., Potapov С. А., Egorova Т. А., & Egorova К. А. (2022). Ancient petroglyphs of Tesik gorge. Kazakhstan Archeology, 15(1 (15), 15–42.



Archaeology issues