
  • Yeraly Akymbek A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Mambet Shagyrbaev A.Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology, Almaty, Kazakhstan




archaeology, Talas Valley, Tortkul Akyrtas, Ile Valley, South Kazakhstan, archaeozoology, osteological materials, animal taxonomy, medieval fauna, cattle breeding, hunting, Middle Ages, food diet


This article analyzes the results of archaeozoological studies of osteological materials collected by employees of the A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology in 2000–2014 during archaeological excavations of the medieval site of the tortkul Akyrtas (10th – the beginning of 13th century), located 40 km to the East from Taraz city. Osteological material was grouped and studied by animal species, skeletal elements, level of preservation. As a result of the study, it was found that the farm on the Akyrtas site contained all types of domestic animals, while small cattle prevailed. Hunting played an insignificant role in the lives of the inhabitants of this site. This is evidenced by osteological materials found in other medieval sites of the Talas Valley. As usual in addition to the four usual types of traction animal (horse, camel, cow and small cattle), donkey is also used as a vehicle. During a systematic review of animal bones, it was found that a number of animals have anatomical features. Animal bones found in the Akyrtas site indicate that there were no major changes in the medieval fauna of the Talas Valley. The results of a morphometric study and animal fauna were compared with animal bones found in a number of ancient and medieval sites (Shengeldy, Talgar, Karatobe, Kastek, Taraz, Kulan, Aktobe, Kultobe, Otyrar, Jankent, Kostobe). The medieval fauna of the Talas Valley in compared with the medieval fauna of the Ile River region and South Kazakhstan, and it has been distinguished that there are differences between domestic animals.


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How to Cite

Akymbek Е., & Shagyrbaev М. (2021). OSTEOLOGICAL MATERIALS FROM THE MEDIEVAL SITE OF TORTKUL AKYRTAS. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (11), 72–100. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2021.



Interdisciplinary research