The economy of the Kazakhs of the Nura-Ishim interfluve of the XIX – early XX centuries (according to osteological materials of the wintering of Bozok II)


  • Mambet S. Shagirbayev Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Ainagul Ganieva State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Bozok»
  • Sergazy Sakenov State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Bozok»



archaeology, residential buildings, animal husbandry, hunting, archaeozoology, fauna, osteology, Bozok II wintering


The wintering area of Bozok II is located in the northern region of Saryarka between two large watersheds: the Nura and Ishim rivers. This area is rich in pasture lands and water resources that can provide a large number of livestock. Archaeological excavations investigated the destroyed structures of two residential buildings. The work of 625 m2 was carried out by the method of mass opening of the territory. Natural materials were used in the construction of houses: clay, sand, logs, reeds. 292 mammalian bones and 1 bird bone were found in the cultural layer of wintering, among which 189 (65%) bones were identified to the species. Most of the osteological materials are fragmented, typical “kitchen leftovers”. As a result of an archaeozoological study, it turned out that 98.5% of the bones come from domestic ungulates (cattle, horses, sheep). The remains of cattle make up 48.1%, horses – 39.6%, small cattle – 9.5%. 2 dog bones and 1 bird bone were found, as well as bones belonging to an embryo or newborn (?) calf. Pets were slaughtered and butchered on the wintering grounds. A notable feature is the individually buried skeleton of a dog found in the wintering area. In statistical studies of the late 19th – early 20th centuries, the predominance of cattle was recorded in the Akmola region. The predominance of cattle bones in wintering indirectly confirms the statistical data.


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How to Cite

Shagirbayev М. С., Ganieva А., & Sakenov С. К. (2022). The economy of the Kazakhs of the Nura-Ishim interfluve of the XIX – early XX centuries (according to osteological materials of the wintering of Bozok II). Kazakhstan Archeology, 15(1 (15), 146–163.



Interdisciplinary research