Karagandy School of Archaeology: scientific heritage of V. Evdokimov


  • Marina V. Bedelbayeva E.A. Buketov Karagandy University
  • Valeriy Loman E.A. Buketov Karagandy University




archaeology, Bronze Age, V. Evdokimov, Upper Tobol River region, Eastern Saryarka, Karagandy school of Archaeology, settlements, burial grounds, paleodemography, historical environment


The article is devoted to the generalization of the scientific views of the famous scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Valeriy Evdokimov (1942–2021). A graduate of the Ural State University, he became interested in archaeology as a student and participated in the excavation of sites of the Urals and Western Siberia, where his mentor was an outstanding scientist V. Gening. In the late 60s of the 20th century, V. Evdokimov organized the Kustanay archaeological expedition, and since 1978 he led the archaeological expedition of Karaganda University and surveys began to be conducted within the steppe zone of Central Kazakhstan, which made it possible to make a great contribution to the study of the ancient history of the region. Many key discoveries (the Yamnaya burial in the Karagash burial ground, the unique tomb of the Satan burial ground with the remains of a wooden chariot, etc.), as well as systematic research of the Kent settlement were carried out during this period. The model of calculation of paleodemographic variables created by V. Evdokimov made it possible to form a holistic vision of the social history of society of the Bronze Age, and the introduction by scientists of the concept of “historical environment” updated the study of the life support system of ancient communities in conditions of interaction with the environment, which is currently a key methodological concept in archaeology. The organizational talent of V. Evdokimov contributed to the formation and development of the Karagandy school of Archaeology. Professional training, formation, successful defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations of more than a dozen well-known archaeologists are directly connected with his name. The international community recognizes numerous scientific and pedagogical achievements of V. Evdokimov.


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How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В., & Loman В. Г. (2022). Karagandy School of Archaeology: scientific heritage of V. Evdokimov. Kazakhstan Archeology, 15(1 (15), 82–97. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2022.



Archaeology issues