About the formation of archaezooology in Kazakhstan (to the 95th anniversary of L. Makarova’s birth)


  • Mambet S. Shagirbayev Margulan Institute of Archaeology




archaeology, archaeozoology, Kazakhstan, L. Makarova, osteology, animal husbandry, hunting


The article considers the contribution of Lidia Makarova to the development of archaeozoology of Kazakhstan. A brief description of the information regarding the life and activity of the researcher is given. L. Makarova was the first in domestic archaeology to study the bone remains of animals, she developed questions about the role of animal husbandry and hunting in ancient times and the Middle Ages. This article provides an overview of publications on archaeozoological research by a specialist. The works are considered in chronological order; a comparative analysis of a number of her findings has been carried out. Archaeozoological sources (number of bones, preservation, etc.) in the works of L. Makarova are compared with data stored in the archive of the A.Kh. Margulan Archaeology Institute. A map of monuments whose osteological materials were studied by L. Makarova was compiled. Both geographically and chronologically, the scope of research is large. Among the monuments under consideration are the sites of Karaungir, Vinogradovka XIV, dating from the Mesolithic-Neolithic period; Shalkia 1 and Telman sites – Neolithic-Eneolithic; numerous settlements and burial grounds of the Bronze Age – the Early Iron age, as well as medieval settlements (Otrar, Kultobe, Talgar). The scientific findings made by L. Makarova are analyzed and compared with subsequent studies.


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How to Cite

Shagirbayev М. С. (2021). About the formation of archaezooology in Kazakhstan (to the 95th anniversary of L. Makarova’s birth). Kazakhstan Archeology, 14(4 (14), 148–169. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2021.



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