Lion of Ural-Kazakhstan steppes... (In memory of L. Gayduchenko)


  • Tatyana N. Loshakova Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Irina Shevnina A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University



archaeology, L. Gayduchenko, paleontologist, zoologist, osteology, burn-on, animal domestication


The article summarizes the main milestones of the creative path of the famous archaeozoologist Leonid Gayduchenko. In the scientific environment, the name of L. Gayduchenko is associated with the study of monuments of ancient history in the aspect of solving the problems of paleoecology, the evolution of economic activity, the development of ancient technologies in the Ural-Kazakhstani steppes. Chronologically, the complexes he studied cover the period of the Era of Stone and Paleometal. Among the monuments whose materials L. Gayduchenko studied are Paleolithic locations on Lake Maraldy in Northeast Kazakhstan, the Upper Paleolithic site on the Irtysh, the Toktaul site, the settlements of Kozhay 1, Botay, Kumkeshu 1, Borly, Toksanbay, Konezavod I, Taldysay and Dongal, the burial grounds of Halvay and Taksay 1. Special attention should be paid to the author's methodology for the study of burn-on on vessels and the study of the development of food resources by the ancient population. The breadth of interests of L.  Gayduchenko is evidenced by his experiments on the reconstruction of ancient copper smelting technologies and the development of the problem of construction of the sacrificial complexes of the Bestamak burial ground. The recognition of the scientific heritage of L. Gayduchenko and his high humanity qualities are evidenced by the memories of colleagues.


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Kalieva, S. S., Gayduchenko, L. L., Logvin, V. N. 1989. In: Derevyanko, A. P. (ed.). Aktualnye problemy metodiki zapadnosibirskoy arheologii (Actual problems of the methodology of Western Siberian archeology). Novosibirsk: Institute of archeology and ethnography SB RAS, Tyumen State University, 129-132 (in Russian).

Official site of the administration of the Varna municipal district of the Chelyabinsk region. URL: (24.05.2021) (in Russian).

Official site of RBK. URL: (24.05.2021) (in Russian).



How to Cite

Loshakova Т. Н., & Shevnina И. В. (2021). Lion of Ural-Kazakhstan steppes. (In memory of L. Gayduchenko). Kazakhstan Archeology, 14(4 (14), 182–192.

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