New data on the culture of the ancient Turks of Zhetysu


  • Turaly Tulegenov State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Issyk»
  • Bauyrzhan B. Besetayev Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Bakyt Khassenova State Historical and Cultural museum-reserve “Bozok”



archaeology, Zhetysu, Almalyk, medieval nomadic, Turkic society, burial of a man with a horse, earring ‘Saltov’ type, horse harness


In 2017, rescue excavations were carried out near the village of Almalyk, during which the burial of a man with a horse was discovered. Among the clothing inventory, the so-called ‘Saltov’ type bronze earring deserves attention, which gives us the opportunity to determine the cultural and chronological framework of the monuments, and to a certain extent emphasizes the social status of the buried in ancient Turkic society. Iron objects related to the equipment of a riding horse were also recorded in the burial. During the search for an analogy, the close relationships and connections of the local ancient Turkic population with the early medieval population of East Kazakhstan and Altai were revealed, which once again proves the special importance of horse equipment in the era of medieval nomads, when large-scale hostilities and mass migrations of the population took place in this territory. A comparative typological analysis of the finds revealed a circle of analogies closest in morphological and technical characteristics, the analysis of which to a certain extent indicates belonging to the ancient Turkic society. The monument dates from the 8th–9th centuries.


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How to Cite

Tulegenov Т. Ж., Besetayev Б. Б., & Khassenova Б. М. (2021). New data on the culture of the ancient Turks of Zhetysu. Kazakhstan Archeology, 14(4 (14), 121–133.



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