Caravan routes in the works of A.Kh. Margulan


  • Aliya Manapova Margulan Institute of Archaeology



archaeology, A.Kh. Margulan, caravan routes, Central Kazakhstan, Betpakdala, settled culture, Middle Ages


The article analyzes the results of archaeological research of A.Kh. Margulan on the study of caravan routes. In 1946, under the leadership of A.Kh. Margulan, the Central Kazakhstan archaeological expedition was created. Alkey Kh. walked along the ancient trade roads and nomadic routes of Kazakhstan, found archaeological sites in the vast desert steppes, studied them from a scientific point of view and became known to the world of science. He was able to use materials found during exploration and excavation, in combination with written and literary data, and legends. Attached to each monument are detailed descriptions, references to the works of researchers. During the analysis of the scientific works of Alkey Margulan, you can get answers to all the questions that arose around the monuments of Kazakhstan from the Stone Age to the late Middle Ages. The caravan routes he explored along Betpakdala are "Khan zholy", "Karkaraly zholy", "Uanas zholy", "Zhety konyr zholy", "Sary su zholy". These are well-known roads that previously connected with the southern regions of Central Kazakhstan, Irtysh, Siberia, strengthened cultural and trade relations between them. The scientist noted that for the caravan passing between the Kypchak steppes and the Syrdarya cities, the Zhetykonyr oasis was a resting place. In the culture of the region's population, many factors were of great importance, including the seasons, the situation with pastures, the calculation of routes and their length.


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How to Cite

Manapova А. (2021). Caravan routes in the works of A.Kh. Margulan. Kazakhstan Archeology, 14(4 (14), 50–63.



Archaeology issues