
  • Igor L. Kyzlasov Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences




archaeology, history of science, scientific approaches, archaeological methods, adobe temples, Siberian-Turkic Manichaeism


This issue publishes the first part of the article, continued in the next. 50 years ago, in Khakassia, L.R. Kyzlasov found and archaeologically studied the first Manichaean temple, which laid the foundation for many years of excavation of such places of worship. A student of S.V. Kiselyov, he in 1945–1949, received a seemingly classical education of nomadic studies: expeditions to Khakassia, Tuva, Kazakhstan, a thesis “Altai in V–X centuries”. However, participation in the excavations of the Hunnic palace near Abakan in 1946 prompted the student to study the publications of post-war excavations of monumental buildings in Penjikent and Karmir-blur. Self-obtained book knowledge allowed Kyzlasov, who only worked in Central Asia, in 1953–1954 for the first time in our science to find and excavate a Buddhist temple and a Nestorian church on the Ak-Beshim settlement. The method of work was also new – it combined the experience of studying mounds and adobe buildings. Since then, the researcher for many years searched and dug fortresses and cities of ancient Uighurs, Khakasses, Mongols on the Upper and Middle Yenisei. It was he in Khakassia, researched by archaeologists, who recognized a separate Manichaean temple and a large temple and monastery center in the floated hills. He excavated both complexes in the way developed in Ak-Beshim. Then to this day, Manichaean temples remain unknown to archaeologists.


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How to Cite

Kyzlasov И. Л. (2021). HISTORY OF DISCOVERY AND STUDY OF THE FIRST MANICHAEAN TEMPLE IN SIBERIA. Part 1. Kazakhstan Archeology, 13(3 (13), 9–25. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2021.



Archaeology issues