
  • Darkhan A. Baitileu Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Mambet S. Shagirbayev Margulan Institute of Archaeology



archaeology, Kazakhstan, Steppe zone, Or-Ilek Upland, Bronze Age, settlement, osteology, archaezoology, analysis


Osteological material is one of the mass finds at archaeological sites after fragments of ceramics. This feature is characteristic of most settlements of the Bronze Age of Kazakhstan. At the same time, it should be emphasized that osteological material is most often left out of comprehensive studies, which determines the relevance of paleozoological analyses. Despite the fact that various Bronze Age monuments of the Ural-Mugalzhar region have a long history of study, the attraction of osteological material from Bronze Age monuments of the named region is episodic. In the context of this problem, in order to reconstruct historical processes and determine economic and cultural types in the settlements of the Ural-Mugalzhar region, we analyzed the archaeozoological collection discovered in 2020 at the settlement of the Bronze Age Tarangul (Kargaly district, Aktobe region). The noteworthiness of this monument lies in the close proximity to two famous and studied monuments of the Bronze Age - the Shanshar archaeological complex and the mining for copper (mine) of Chudskoy. Thus, the article presents preliminary results of the analysis of the archaeozoological collection discovered at the Tarangul settlement. During the studies, paleozoological analysis was carried out, namely, the species composition of animals was determined, faunal and comparative analysis of osteometric results obtained from the settlement was carried out. In general, materials from the Tarangul settlement allow us to consider the current topic of the relationship of the ancient population within a specific microdistrict and carry out a historical reconstruction of the paleoeconomics of the local microdistrict.


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How to Cite

Baitileu Д. А., & Shagirbayev М. С. (2021). ANALYSIS OF ARCHAEOZOOLOGICAL MATERIALS FROM TARANGUL SETTLEMENT (preliminary data). Kazakhstan Archeology, 12(2 (12), 141–151.



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