
  • Alexander N. Podushkin South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • Andrey Donets Turkestan Regional Museum of History and Local Lore



archaeology, Kangju, cartography, exploration pit, sites


The article is devoted to the first results of a cartographic and reconnaissance survey of a new historical and cultural region near Lake Kyzylkol. The concentration here on a relatively limited territory of several large-scale archaeological objects (barrow fields, single barrows, a settlement, a stone construction of a cult purpose) allows us to consider this oasis on the northern slopes of Karatau as an independent historical and cultural zone of great scientific and social significance, called "Kyzylkol". Initial work on the archaeological sites of this zone made it possible to determine the belonging and chronology of the monuments associated with the ancient population that lived here in the first half of the 1st millennium AD (the time of the existence of the Kangju state).


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How to Cite

Podushkin А. Н., & Donets А. Г. (2021). RESEARCH OF ARCHEOLOGICAL MONUMENTS IN THE KYZYLKOL TRACT. Kazakhstan Archeology, 12(2 (12), 120–140.



Field studies