
  • Gulmira R. Mukhtarova State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Issyk»
  • Boris A. Zheleznyakov Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Gulmira Zhumai State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum «Issyk»



archaeology, Talgar site, bronze casting, composition of bronzes, medieval mirrors


The publication is based on the archival data of I.I. Kopylov on the place and conditions of finding of bronze mirrors, analysis data on the composition of bronzes. An analysis of previously published data on bronze mirrors originating from the Talgar settlement is being carried out. Thus, based on the archival data of the researcher of the medieval site, the issue of local production of mirrors from local raw materials is raised and resolved. Previously published articles actually raised the question only about the ethnocultural affiliation of the ornate plot, which is depicted on the relief-ornamented rear side of the mirror, that is, in fact about the cultural origins common at that time on the Great Silk Road ornaments. The details of the discovery of mirrors in the cultural layer, the belonging of the ruins of the buildings, are extremely important for the reconstruction of cultural contacts, and most importantly, for understanding the high level of craft development on Talgar in the 11th – the first half of the 13th centuries. Role and place of the jeweler and torewt in the craft “table of ranks” of Talhiz city, whose rich dwellings and developed industries were located right in the city center. Some details of the accompanying finds in the workshops are given: other mass artifacts, tools, stamps.


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How to Cite

Mukhtarova Г. Р., Zheleznyakov Б. А., & Zhumai Г. (2021). BRONZE MIRRORS FROM TALHIR AS A SOURCE ON MATERIAL CULTURE: RESEARCH BY I.I. KOPYLOV. Kazakhstan Archeology, 12(2 (12), 43–60.



Archaeology issues