
  • Marina V. Bedelbayeva
  • Galiya A. Bazarbayeva



archaeology, A.Z. Beisenov, science, Early Iron Age, the heritage of classics of national archaeology, publications


In September, a Kazakh archaeologist, specialist in antiquities of the Early Iron Age of Central Asia, Arman Beisenov, turned 60. Dedicating this article to him, we should note that under the leadership of Arman Z. Beisenov a number of discoveries have been made whyle studying the sites of the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and the modern history of Saryarka and Jetysu. By the effort of A.Z. Beisenov, collections of documents, scientific papers and monographs have been published. His respectful attitude towards the body of work of the pioneers of national archaeology in his studies deserves a special attention. Owing to the painstaking work of A.Z. Beisenov, the silhouettes of Kazakh archaeologists of the 20th century, whose works are still relevant and in demand at present, have been redefined. Currently, A.Z. Beisenov successfully carries out new investigations, combining field work and desk research, engaging young specialists, and developing topical areas of national science. The set of 14С dates from the Early Iron Age sites studied by A.Z. Beisenov in Kazakhstan is, perhaps, second to none. We sincerely congratulate A.Z. Beisenov and wish him to strive for new discoveries, worthy students, and achievement of his ambitions!


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How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В., & Bazarbayeva Г. А. (2020). PER ASPERA AD ASTRA: to the ANNIVERSARY of ARMAN BEISENOV. Kazakhstan Archeology, (4 (10), 103–116.

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