brief results from the field research of 2020 around Almaty


  • Arnabay A. Nurzhanov
  • Gulnara S. Jumabekova
  • Galiya A. Bazarbayeva



archaeology, Almaty, Saka, kurgan, culture, ritual, funeral rite


The proposed article provides preliminary results of excavations of the late Saka period mound in the territory of the city of Almaty, conducted in the field season of 2020. In the national historiography, a lot of information can be found about the Early Iron Age kurgans, located both within the southern capital of Kazakhstan and in its surroundings. The fact that there were royal "herros" and sanctuaries on the northern slopes of Ile Alatau during the time of the early nomads is evidenced by numerous kurgan cemeteries and occasional finds of metal objects, conventionally termed cult or ritual attributes. Characteristics of the above-ground structure and inner design of burials within the mound, studied in 2020, make it possible to reconstruct the most important features of the funeral rite, perceptions of ancient nomads about the world order. An overview of analogies leads us to the regions of the Southern Urals, Aral Sea, Altay. The similarities point not only to elements of the funeral rite (the use of wood, fire, dromos), but also to common religious and mythological views, ritual performances. The mound is preliminary dated to the late Saka time (4th–3rd c. BC).


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How to Cite

Nurzhanov А. А., Jumabekova Г. С., & Bazarbayeva Г. А. (2020). NEW DATAS ON THE SAKA CULTURE OF JETYSU:: brief results from the field research of 2020 around Almaty. Kazakhstan Archeology, (4 (10), 70–95.



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