
  • Igor L. Kyzlasov



archaeology, Khakassia, Middle Ages, relation of subsequent cultures to previous, Siberian-Turkic Manichaeism


In Southern Siberia, ancient monuments made of stone have become a mandatory part of the landscape. The remnants of the Middle Ages must be understood among them. On the carvings, burial grounds and temple centers of Khakassia, it is traced how monuments of previous cultures were perceived then. Drawings, and then tamgas and prayer inscriptions of the Middle Ages do not violate, petroglyphs of former times, therefore, mountain cults were preserved. Mounds of the 6th–8th centuries continue cemeteries of the 2nd century BC – 5th century AD, it can be seen that blood connections with ancestors were realized. In the 8th century, the Manichaean temple was erected in the valley, where up to the 20th century 14 sculptures and about 15 menghirs remained intact. The temple was among pagan idols, the closest were at 100–140 m distance. Having reached the Yenisey, Manichaeism included runic writing in its religious practice and together with it a complex of worldview that preserved the veneration of ancestral monuments. The mutual penetration of new and local beliefs formed a special religious direction – northern Siberian-Turkic Manichaeism.


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