
  • Kanat Uskenbay



Vadim V. Trepavlov, nomads of Eurasia, Mongols, Turks, Tatars, Great Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, Nogai Horde, Ulus Juchi, Golden Horde, Big Horde, Siberian Yurt, Belyi Tsar, citizenship, ethnic politics, interethnic relations


In 2020, the doctor of historical sciences V. V. Trepavlov turns 60 years old. The article describes the biography and career path of the scientist. Interest in the history of Eurasian nomads appeared in V. V. Trepavlov in his school and student years, and the first scientific result was his Candidate's dissertation on socio-political continuity in the state system of the Great Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan. His doctoral dissertation was devoted to the famous history of the Nogai Horde. At the Institute of Russian History V. V. Trepavlov passed all stages of career growth, after graduate school he worked as a laboratory assistant, junior, senior, leading and chief researcher, now he is the head of the Center for the History of the Peoples of Russia and Interethnic Relations. For several years, he simultaneously served as deputy director of the Institute on scientific work. The main monographic works of the scientist of the day are briefly described.


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Trepavlov, V. V. 1993. Gosudarstvennyj stroj Mongol'skoj imperii XIII v.: Problema istoricheskoj preemstvennosti (The State System of the Mongol Empire in the XIII Century: The Problem of Historical Continuity). Moscow: “Nauka”, “Vost. lit.” Publ. (in Russian).

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Trepavlov, V. V. 2007. «Belyj car'». Obraz monarha i predstavleniya o poddanstve u narodov Rossii XV–XVIII vv. ("White Tsar". The image of the monarch and the idea of citizenship among the peoples of Russia in the 15th – 18th centuries). Moscow: “Vost. lit.” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2009. In Istoriya i istoriki: istoriograficheskij vestnik. 2007 (History and historians: historiographic bulletin. 2007). Moscow: “Nauka” Publ., 309–315 (in Russian).

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Trepavlov, V. V. 2011. Tyurkskie narody srednevekovoj Evrazii. Izbrannye trudy (Turkic peoples of medieval Eurasia. Selected Works). Kazan: “Foliant” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2012. Sibirskij yurt posle Ermaka: Kuchum i Kuchumovichi v bor'be za revansh (Siberian yurt after Yermak: Kuchum and Kuchumovich in the fight for revenge). Moscow: “Vost. lit.” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2013. «Orda samovol'naya»: Kochevaya imperiya nogaev XV–XVI vekov ("Unauthorized Horde": Nomadic Empire of the Nogai XV–XVI centuries). Moscow: “Kvadriga” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2015. Stepnye imperii Evrazii: mongoly i tatary (Steppe Empires of Eurasia: Mongols and Tatars). Moscow: “Kvadriga” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2016. Istoriya Nogajskoj Ordy (History of the Nogai Horde). Second edition revised and enlarged. Kazan: “Kazanskaya nedvizhimost” Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2017. «Belyj car'». Obraz monarha i predstavleniya o poddanstve u narodov Rossii XV–XVIII vv. ("White Tsar". The image of the monarch and the idea of citizenship among the peoples of Russia in the 15th – 18th centuries). Second edition revised and enlarged. Saint Petersburg: Oleg Abyshko Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2018. Simvoly i ritualy v etnicheskoj politike Rossii XVI–XIX vv. (Symbols and rituals in the ethnic policy of Russia in the 16th – 19th centuries.). Saint Petersburg: Oleg Abyshko Publ. (in Russian).

Trepavlov, V. V. 2020. Istoriya Nogajskoj Ordy (History of the Nogai Horde). Third edition revised and expanded. Moscow: “Kvadriga” Publ. (in Russian).

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Uskenbay, Q. Z. 2012. In: Zolotoordynskaya civilizaciya: sb. st. (Golden Horde civilization: collection of articles). Vol. 5. Kazan: «Foliant» Publ.; Sh. Mardzhani Institut of History, 429–432 (in Russian).

Uskenbay, Q. Z. 2013. Vostochnyj Dasht-i Kypchak v XIII – nachale XV veka. Problemy etnopoliticheskoj istorii Ulusa Dzhuchi (Eastern Dasht-i Qypchaq in the XIII – early XV century. Problems of the ethnopolitical history of Ulus Jochi). Kazan: “Fen” Publ. (in Russian).

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Trepavlov, V. V., Uskenbay Q. 2013. In: Unbekanntes Kasachstan. Archäologie im Herzen Asiens. Band II. Katalog der Ausstellung des Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum vom 26. Herausgeber: T. Stöllner, Z. Samašev. Unter Mitarbeit von: A. Gorelik, G. Körlin. Bochum: Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, 889–901.



How to Cite

Uskenbay К. (2020). ANNIVERSARY OF A SCIENTIST: VADIM V. TREPAVLOV is 60 years old. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (9), 148–162.