
  • Pavel N. Petrov
  • Bauyrzhan A. Baitanayev
  • Eugenia F. Shaykhutdinova




archaeology, Chagataids Khanate, Samarkand, Bukhara, XIII–XIV centuries, coin reform, dirhams, coin metal, elemental composition, silver content, optical atomic emission spectrometry (OAES)


The study of Chagatai Khan Kebek’s monetary reform character in Bukhara and Samarkand (718–725 AH/1318–1325 AD) was undertaken. To this end, the elemental composition of pre-reform and post-reform dirhams was studied using the destructive method of optical atomic emission spectrometry (OAES). Three groups of coins (I, II - "Masud Bek" dirhamas of the end of XIII - beginning of XIV century and III - post-reform Kebek's dirhamas of Samarkand and Bukhara) were revealed. Previously, the same samples were studied with the help of X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF). A comparative analysis was carried out with the XRF data. It is established that for high silver alloys (more than 80%) both methods give close results, so the non-destructive X-ray fluorescence method can be used for an indicative estimate of the quantitative and qualitative element composition. In the course of the reform in Bukhara and Samarkand under Khan Kebek, the silver probe of the reformed dirhams was increased from almost 85% (in the "Masud Bek" dirhams) to 97%, that is, by about 10%. At the same time, the exchange market equivalent of pre-reform and reform coins (3 to 4) indicates the same amount of silver in each of these two groups. That is, the monetary reform in Bukhara, and then in Samarkand, under Khan Kebek did not pursue the goal of direct fiscal gain directly due to the economy of the silver amount in dirham. It was aimed at improving trade in the region by improving the silver coin quality.


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How to Cite

Petrov П. Н., Baitanayev Б. А., & Shaykhutdinova Е. Ф. (2020). QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS of COIN SILVER of the KHAN KEPEK MONETARY REFORM by the METHOD of EMISSION SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (9), 103–117. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2020.



Interdisciplinary research