MEDIEVAL CERAMICS OF RAKHAT SETTLEMENT (based on the research of 2019–2020)


  • Gulmira R. Mukhtarova
  • Boris A. Zheleznyakov
  • Turaly Tulegenov



archaeology, the settlement Rakhat, archaeological research, , ceramics, the Early Middle Ages


Archaeological research by employees of the Esik State Historical and Cultural Reserve-Museum was carried out in 2019–2020 at the Rakhat site (Enbekshikazak district, Almaty region). The research results present this site in a somewhat unexpected light. The author of the idea of conducting research on it by the outstanding archaeologist B. N. Nurmukhanbetov, it was assumed that the site is a settlement of the Saka tribal elite. Artifacts obtained from excavations date mainly from the 10th – beginning of the 13th centuries. First of all, this is the most massive artifact – fragments of ceramic vessels. Ceramics, together with structures, indicates that in the excavated objects they could perform some ritual actions, including those related to burials located nearby. Ceramic from the excavation is typical to the Karakhanid time and its set is quite typical: different sizes of caldrons with two horizontal loop-shaped handles, medium and small jugs, including two-handed ones, as well as storage vessels – khums, mugs. Mainly noted kitchen utensils of medium size, volume per family. Apparently, the excavated space was used to perform rituals, mainly of a memorial nature.


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How to Cite

Mukhtarova Г. Р., Zheleznyakov Б. А., & Tulegenov Т. Ж. (2020). MEDIEVAL CERAMICS OF RAKHAT SETTLEMENT (based on the research of 2019–2020). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (9), 92–102.



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