BLACKSMITHING TRADE OF MEDIEVAL TOWNS OF THE ILE VALLEY (historiography and dating of cast iron products)


  • Tamara V. Savelyeva
  • Nikolai M. Zinyakov
  • Ilyar R. Kamaldinov



archaeology, Northeast Jetysu, Ile Valley, medieval towns, Almaty, Talkhir, handicraft, iron casting


The article is devoted to the history of studying blacksmithing craft on the vast territory of Eurasia from the Middle Ages to the present day. The purpose of this publication is to provide a historiography of the study of ferrous metallurgy and metalworking within broad time and territorial boundaries, in particular, and the post-Soviet space, which in this context is understood as a single scientific space. The ways of manufacture of pig-iron products by craftsmen of medieval cities of Ile/Ili valley (Northeast Jetysu/Semirechye) on collections from excavations of cities Talkhir and Almaty are considered. Special attention is paid to methods of determining the date of artifacts from cast iron. The obtained result of high sulfur content and low carbon content in cast iron testifies to the use of special high-temperature melting regime by artisans of Almaty and Talkhir to achieve graphitization and produce ductile iron.


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How to Cite

Savelyeva Т. В., Zinyakov Н. М., & Kamaldinov И. Р. (2020). BLACKSMITHING TRADE OF MEDIEVAL TOWNS OF THE ILE VALLEY (historiography and dating of cast iron products). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (9), 70–91.



Archaeology issues