
  • Valery S. Voloshin



archaeology, Ekibastuz-4, monument, industry, artifact, tool, chipper, Paleolithic, quartzite


The article gives a detailed description of a small sample of archaic quartzite products from the open locations of the Stone Age, located among the ruins of buildings on the territory of Old Ekibastuz. The problems of "remnant forms" in the Saryarka Paleolithic, as well as the chronology and periodization of the Paleolithic complexes of the left-bank Irtysh are discussed: the possibility of the existence of the Upper Acheulean industrial complex, represented by artifacts from quartzite with a light or medium degree of smoothness from Aeolian corrasion, as well as a later complex hypothetically corresponding to Levallois-Acheul II of Alan Medoev. However, most of the materials presented in the article are associated with the upper cultural horizons of the Ekibastuz-4 monument (geological layer 2) and date back to a later time - the end of the Paleolithic (presumably late glaciation – beginning of the Holocene).



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How to Cite

Voloshin В. С. (2020). PRODUCTS OF ACHEULEAN IMAGE FROM LOCATIONS OF STONE AGE OF EKIBASTUZ. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (9), 9–19.



Archaeology issues