
  • Maral K. Khabdulina
  • Yana A. Lukpanova




archaeology, M.G. Moshkova, Eurasia, South Ural, Savromats, Sarmatians, periodization, chronology, origin, elite complexes


The article contains an analysis of the work of the Round Table dedicated to the anniversary of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. G. Moshkova, which took place in Moscow, in the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences on November 12–13, 2019. The article summarizes the main highlights of the biography of Marina G. Moshkova, contribution to the archaeology of Eurasia, to the development and research of fundamental problems of Savromat-sarmatian archaeology and the role of this cultural phenomenon in the history of ancient communities of Eurasian space. The significance of the consolidated works on the archaeology of the Early Iron Age of steppe Eurasia, carried out with the participation and editorial activity of M. G. Moshkova, is indicated. The anniversary celebrant made a huge contribution to the preparation and constant support of archaeological personnel of regional schools of Sarmatology. The second part of the article provides an analysis of the main problems voiced in the reports of the participants of the Round Table. They deal with the traditional issues of the study of Early Sarmatian archaeology: chronology, periodization, and ethnicity.


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How to Cite

Khabdulina М. К., & Lukpanova Я. А. (2020). ON THE WORK OF THE ROUND TABLE DEDICATED TO THE ANNIVERSARY OF MARINA G. MOSHKOVA. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (7), 127–139. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2020.