
  • Sergey B. Bolelov
  • Zhanbolat R. Utubayev




archaeology, ancient agriculture, settlement, production center, two-level burning ceramic kiln, ceramics, pottery workshop


The article publishes the results of several years of excavation in the settlement of Babish-Mulla 7, in the ancient delta of the Syrdarya, where in the second half of the 1st millennium BC the agricultural Chirik-rabat archaeological culture was widespread. Babish-Mulla 7 is a large industrial pottery center of the III-II centuries BC, which supplied the population of a large agricultural oasis with ceramics. Two types of two-level ceramic kilns were opened in the settlement. Rectangular kilns of the first type have no analogies in Central Asia by their design features. Next to the kilns were excavated industrial premises, where dishes were made.


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How to Cite

Bolelov С. Б., & Utubayev Ж. Р. (2020). POTTERY PRODUCTION ON THE TERRITORY OF THE ANCIENT SYRDARYA DELTA IN THE AGE OF ANTIQUITY: NEW DATA. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (7), 69–87. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2020.



Archaeology issues