«… I HAVE DONE ONLY ONE HUNDREDTH OF WHAT I COULD DO IN SCIENCE» (to the 70th anniversary of birth of R.B. Ismagil)


  • Gulnara S. Jumabekova
  • Galiya A. Bazarbayeva




archaeology, Central Asia, Scythian-Sarmatian-Saka archaeology, early Scythians, excavations


Ismagil (Ismagilov) Ramil B. is an archaeologist who worked in Kazakhstan and Bashkortostan. He participated in archaeological expeditions of the Bashkir State University and the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, carried out extensive exploration and excavation works on the Ural River within the BASSR and Orenburg region. On the territory of Kazakhstan, he excavated the graves of Jetytobe and Sulutor in Jambyl region, was the coordinator on the topic of the Summary of Monuments in West Kazakhstan, took part in the expeditionary works of regional museums of the region. Ramil B. surveyed the areas of the foothills of the Kyrgyz Ridge, he participated in the study of the Berkara grave. Under the leadership of R.B. Ismagilov, archaeological excavations of the Kyzyl-Kent Palace started in 1985 by a team of the Kazakh project restoration Institute. In the sphere of interests of R.B. Ismagil were problems of Scythian-Sarmatian-Saka archaeology, culture of early nomads of Eurasia and proto-Turks.


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How to Cite

Jumabekova Г. С., & Bazarbayeva Г. А. (2019). «… I HAVE DONE ONLY ONE HUNDREDTH OF WHAT I COULD DO IN SCIENCE» (to the 70th anniversary of birth of R.B. Ismagil). Kazakhstan Archeology, (4 (6), 126–135. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2019.