ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY OF ANIMAL ASTRAGALS (based on materials from the ancient settlement Babish-mola)


  • Mambet S. Shagirbayev
  • Zhanbolat R. Utubayev



archaeology, Zhanadaria, Babish-mola, citadel, “Big House”, animal astragals, saiga, gazelles, archeozoology, games with astragals, cult rites, burial, morphometric analysis


The article is devoted to archaeological research of animal astragals found in the settlement of Babish-mola. During excavations in the monument, more than 80 animal astragalas were found. An archaeozoological analysis revealed that astragals belonged to the antelope family, more precisely, saig (Saiga tatarica) and gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa), as well as sheep (Ovis aries) and goats (Capra). Morphological and morphometric studies of bones revealed a range of size fluctuations for identical bones (Lim), arithmetic mean value (M), arithmetic mean error (ơ). Based on the results of an osteometric study, Babish-mola astragals were comparatively analyzed with the astragals of adjacent regions. A variation series of biometric features was revealed and ornaments that were superimposed on the plantar part of astragals were described. The article gives 12 tables which show all sizes of astragals in more detailed way. In the course of archeozoological research, various cult rites and games related to astragals were analyzed, using materials found in Kazakhstan as an example.


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How to Cite

Shagirbayev М. С., & Utubayev Ж. Р. (2019). ARCHAEOLOGICAL STUDY OF ANIMAL ASTRAGALS (based on materials from the ancient settlement Babish-mola). Kazakhstan Archeology, (4 (6), 79–115.



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