
  • Irina Shvets



archaeology, Central Asia, South Kazakhstan, Sauyskandyk, fine arts, petroglyphs, sign, symbol, code, Okunevo culture, field research documentation


The article is devoted to one of the stories of rock art of Central Asia, which we conditionally classified as sign-symbols. Richest material of bull engravings in the petroglyphs of Sauyskandyk (South Kazakhstan) demonstrates not only the diversity of decoration on the body of animals, but also the presence of signs in the form of a circle, made in relief counter-relief technique. These signs can not only be identified as chronoindicators of stories of rock art of the era of early bronze, but they are also markers of promotion of traditions of Okunevo art in the south-west direction. Petroglyphs and paintings as monuments of fine art, and even monumental art, can in images and signs and, perhaps in iconographic codes mark and “fossilize” the ways of migration and contacts of ancient people. Finding ways of these migrations and contacts seems more convincing for us not only in determining identical stories in remote territories, but also in identifying common specific sign-codes and contexts of the depicted.


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How to Cite

Shvets И. Н. (2019). STORIES OF ROCK ART OF CENTRAL ASIA AS MARKERS OF MIGRATION ROUTES. Kazakhstan Archeology, (4 (6), 41–54.



Archaeology issues